Events & Corporate Calendar Annual General Meeting

A warm welcome:
The Annual General Meeting of Medios AG

The Annual General Meeting 2024 of Medios AG was on August 14, 2024. You’ll find essential information here.

Fiscal year


Voting results

PDF file 25,6 KB

Presentation to AMG 2024

(in German only)

PDF file 4,0 MB

Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2024 / Agenda

PDF file 116,7 KB

Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2024 – Correction

in German only

PDF file 67,1 KB

Commitment of the Management Board regarding Agenda Items 13 and 14

PDF file 128,2 KB

Annual Report 2023

PDF file 5,9 MB

Annual Financial Statements of Medios AG 2023

in German only

PDF file 1,8 MB

Proposal for the appropriation of profits

in German only

PDF file 89,3 KB

Information pursuant to Table 3 of the Annex of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212

PDF file 202,3 KB

Explanations of Shareholders' rights

in German only

PDF file 204,7 KB

Privacy Policy

in German only

PDF file 108,3 KB

Proxy authorization and instructions form/Postal vote

PDF file 187,2 KB

Voting Results 2023

(in German only)

PDF file 24,8 KB

Presentation to AMG 2023

(in German only)

PDF file 1,9 MB

Invitation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2023 / Agenda

(in German only)

PDF file 2,6 MB

Agenda – short version

(in German only)

PDF file 91,6 KB

Agenda intem 1: Annual Report 2022

PDF file 4,5 MB

Agenda item 1: Annual Financial Statements of Medios AG 2022

(in German only)

PDF file 2,5 MB

Agenda item 1: Proposal for the appropriation of profits

(in German only)

PDF file 138,7 KB
May 12, 2023

Information pursuant to Table 3 of the Annex of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212

(in German only)

PDF file 222,5 KB

Explanations of Shareholders' rights

(in German only)

PDF file 138,7 KB
May 12, 2023

Privacy Policy

(in German only)

PDF file 80,0 KB
May 12, 2023

Proxy authorization and instructions form/Postal vote

(in German only)

PDF file 82,6 KB

Voting Results 2022

in German only

PDF file 16,5 KB
June 21, 2022

Invitation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2022 / Agenda

Short Version

PDF file 109,1 KB
May 11, 2022

Presentation to AGM 2022

in German only

PDF file 1,020,5 KB
June 20, 2022

Annual Report 2021

PDF file 4,3 MB
March 29, 2022

Financial Statements 2021 HGB

in German only

PDF file 2,1 MB
March 29, 2022

Explantions of Shareholders‘ rights

in German only

PDF file 134,3 KB
May 12, 2022

Information pursuant to Table 3 of the Annex of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212

on German only

PDF file 186,9 KB
May 12, 2022

Proxy authorization and instructions form/Postal vote

in German only

PDF file 179,8 KB
June 08, 2022

Voting Results 2021

in German only

PDF file 17,6 KB
June 10, 2021

Presentation to AGM 2021

in German only

PDF file 881,6 KB
June 03, 2021

Invitation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2021 / Agenda

Short version

PDF file 86,3 KB
May 03, 2021

Information pursuant to Table 3 of the Annex of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212

PDF file 482,8 KB
May 03, 2021

Proxy authorization and instructions form/Postal vote

in German only

PDF file 600,2 KB
May 03, 2021

Explanation of Shareholders' rights

in German only

PDF file 175,1 KB
May 03, 2021

Annual financial statements of Medios AG 2018

in German only

PDF file 2,8 MB
December 31, 2018

Annual financial statements of Medios AG 2019

in German only

PDF file 7,0 MB
December 31, 2019

Cranach Pharma financial statements as of July 31, 2018

in German only

PDF file 549,4 KB
July 31, 2018

Cranach Pharma financial statements as of July 31, 2019

in German only

PDF file 536,4 KB
July 31, 2019

Cranach Pharma financial statements as of December 31, 2019

in German only

PDF file 526,9 KB
December 31, 2019

Cranach Pharma financial statements as of December 31, 2020

in German only

PDF file 699,4 KB
December 31, 2020

Joint report within the meaning of section 293a of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) of the Executive Board of Medios AG and the management of Cranach Pharma GmbH

in German only

PDF file 339,3 KB
April 28, 2021

Draft profit and loss transfer agreement with Cranach Pharma GmbH

in German only

PDF file 71,3 KB
May 03, 2021

Report on the exclusion of subscription rights in accordance with sections 186 (4) sentence 2, 203 (1) and (2) of the AktG (German Stock Corporation Act)

in German only

PDF file 95,8 KB
May 03, 2021

CV Mrs. Dr Anke Nestler

PDF file 53,0 KB
May 03, 2021

Proposal on the allocation of the net profit by the Executive Board

in German only

PDF file 74,3 KB
May 03, 2021

Annual financial statements of Medios AG 2020

in German only

PDF file 1,6 MB
March 31, 2021

Annual Report 2020

Incl. approved consolidated financial statements and combined management report and group management report for Medios Group and Medios AG (incl. explanatory report of the Executive Board relating to the information provided pursuant to Sec. 289a Para ...

PDF file 2,5 MB
December 31, 2020

Proxy authorization and instructions form/Postal vote

in German only

PDF file 607,8 KB
October 26, 2020

Proposal on the allocation of the net profit by the Executive Board

PDF file 158,5 KB
October 26, 2020

Voting Results 2020

in German only

PDF file 43,5 KB
October 26, 2020

Presentation to AGM 2020

in German only

PDF file 1,1 MB
October 26, 2020

Explanation of the shareholders' rights

in German only

PDF file 100,2 KB
September 30, 2020

Agenda 2020

non-binding convenience translation

PDF file 69,1 KB
September 30, 2020

Agenda 2020 (German)

PDF file 1,4 MB
September 30, 2020

Financial Statements 2019 HGB

in German only

PDF file 1,7 MB
April 08, 2020

Annual Report 2019

Including consolidated financial statements, combined management report and group management report (IFRS), including the explanatory reports relating to the information provided pursuant to Sec. 289a Para 1 and Sec. 315a Para 1 of HGB

PDF file 1,7 MB
April 08, 2020

Voting Results 2019

PDF file 48,2 KB
July 10, 2019

Agenda 2019

Non-binding convenience translation

PDF file 108,9 KB
May 31, 2019

Voting Results 2018

PDF file 32,8 KB
July 13, 2018

Agenda 2018 (German)

PDF file 462,4 KB
June 30, 2018

Agenda 2018

Non-binding convenience translation

PDF file 63,6 KB
June 30, 2018

Voting Results 2017

PDF file 35,2 KB
August 28, 2017

Agenda 2017

PDF file 405,0 KB
July 31, 2017

Voting Results extraordinary General Assembly 2016

PDF file 31,9 KB
September 14, 2016

Agenda extraordinary General Assembly 2016

PDF file 344,0 KB
August 31, 2016

Voting Results General Assembly 2016


PDF file 36,4 KB
June 15, 2016

Agenda General Assembly 2016


PDF file 250,5 KB
May 31, 2016

Voting Results 2015

MIM MONDO IGEL MEDIA Aktiengesellschaft I.L.

PDF file 48,6 KB
September 14, 2015

Agenda 2015

MIM MONDO IGEL MEDIA Aktiengesellschaft i.L.

PDF file 213,8 KB
August 31, 2015

Documents – Countermotions

Countermotions by Mr. Topp on agenda items 2 and 3

in German only

JPEG file 134,2 KB
June 07, 2022

Further Information

Remuneration report for the Executive and Supervisory Board of the Annual Year 2023

PDF file 262,8 KB

Articles of Association of Medios AG

PDF file 184,1 KB

Agenda item 7: Remuneration report for the Executive and Supervisory Board of the Annual Year 2022

PDF file 566,0 KB

Articles of Association of Medios AG

PDF file 137,2 KB

Remuneration system of the Executive Board

PDF file 210,8 KB
May 11, 2022

Remuneration report for the Executive and Supervisory Board of the Annual Year 2021

PDF file 769,1 KB
March 28, 2022

Selected information on TOP 6: Remuneration report for the Financial Year 2021

PDF file 80,8 KB
June 07, 2022

Corporate Governance Statement 2021

PDF file 183,4 KB
March 25, 2022

Compliance Statement of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board 2022

PDF file 117,6 KB
March 11, 2022

Articles of Association of Medios AG

PDF file 167,5 KB
January 17, 2022

The articles of association of Medios AG

PDF file 527,9 KB
November 25, 2020

Articles of Association 2020

PDF file 180,4 KB
June 04, 2020

Compliance Statement 2019

non-binding convenience translation

PDF file 142,2 KB
June 04, 2020

Declaration on Corporate Governance 2019

PDF file 186,0 KB
March 31, 2020

Shareholder Hotline

Shareholders and intermediaries can contact the Shareholder Hotline from Monday to Friday (apart from public holidays) between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (CEST) to ask general questions about the company's Annual General Meeting:

Phone number +49 (089) 309-036-330 or by e-mail to

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Claudia Nickolaus
Head of Investor & Public Relations ESG Communications   

+49 30 232 566 800

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