Corporate Governance Executive Board

A Portrait:
Medios Executive Board

Related Links

The compensation system 2022 for the members of the Management Board was resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 21, 2022 with a majority of 88.49% of the valid votes cast.  Download 
(PDF, 164 KB)

The compensation system 2021 for the members of the Management Board was resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 10, 2021 with a majority of 90.97% of the valid votes cast.  Download 
(PDF, 213 KB)

Remuneration report for the financial year 2023  Download (PDF, 293 KB)

Remuneration report for the financial year 2022  Download (PDF, 505 KB)

The remuneration report for the financial year 2021 was resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 21, 2022 with a majority of 70.68% of the valid votes cast.  Download (PDF, 739 KB)

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Claudia Nickolaus
Head of Investor & Public Relations ESG Communications   

+49 30 232 566 800

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