Jens Apermann

Member of the Supervisory Board

Year of birth: 1968
Nationality: German
Member since: End of the Annual General Meeting 2024
Elected until: End of the Annual General Meeting 2027

Membership in statutory supervisory boards and comparable national or foreign supervisory committees of commercial enterprises:
German seats:

  • Medios AG, Berlin (Member of the Supervisory Board)
  • easyApotheke (Holding) AG, Düsseldorf (Member of the Supervisory Board)

Jens Apermann studied law at the University of Hamburg and trained as a PR consultant/editor. After holding several positions in communications agencies and companies in Hamburg and Frankfurt/M., he became co-founder and Director of Marketing & Sales of the online pharmacy DocMorris, Netherlands, in 1999. 

After leaving DocMoriss, he founded what is now Pleja AG, Zurich, in 2004, a consulting and investment company in the healthcare sector. Mandates and investments in Germany and the Netherlands are primarily in the pharmacy sector, telemedicine and start-ups in the field of digital human and veterinary medicine. 

Due to his many years of practical experience in various roles as a generalist among specialists, Jens Apermann has a profound understanding of structures, players and interests in the healthcare sector.

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Claudia Nickolaus
Head of Investor & Public Relations ESG Communications   

+49 30 232 566 800

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