Florian Herger

Member of the Supervisory Board

Year of birth: 1981
Nationality: German
Member since: End of the Annual General Meeting 2024
Elected until: End of the Annual General Meeting 2027

Membership in statutory supervisory boards and comparable national or foreign supervisory committees of commercial enterprises:
German seats in supervisory boards of listed companies:

  • Medios AG, Berlin (Member of the Supervisory Board)
  • Nexus AG
  • technotrans SE


Memberships in comparable supervisory bodies of non-listed companies:

  • Principal at Luxempart S.A., Leudelange, Luxembourg
  • Senior Advisor at Luxempart Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Munich, Germany

Florian Herger possesses expertise in the field of accounting and is thoroughly familiar with the Company`s sector. He complements the Supervisory Board with his knowledge as a financial expert in accounting as defined by Sec. 100 (5) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).

Mr. Herger has extensive international experience in corporate investments in listed companies, M&A, and private equity as well as strategic business development. Mr. Herger has gained comprehensive knowledge from different perspectives on a company, as he has advised companies on operational and strategic issues with consulting firm Bain & Company, was able to help shape the development of adidas internally, and, as an investor, has accompanied and developed companies from the owner's perspective.

Mr. Herger has profound expertise in Finance, Strategy, M&A, and both external and internal accounting, which he has acquired throughout his career in an international context. In his long-standing role as a financial analyst, he was also constantly involved in the evaluation and analysis of corporate accounting.

Mr. Herger has intensified these practical skills through his part-time CFA® (Certified Financial Analyst) certification and has further expanded his extensive expert knowledge in Finance, Investment, and Accounting. Through the associated membership in the CFA Institute (over 190,000 members globally), Mr. Herger is part of a network of financial experts who observe, shape, and accompany current developments in the financial world.

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Claudia Nickolaus
Head of Investor & Public Relations ESG Communications   

+49 30 232 566 800   

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