Matthias Gärtner 

Chief Executive Officer, CEO

Born: 1967
Nationality: German
First appointed: September 14, 2015
Appointed until: January 31, 2027

Matthias Gärtner studied Computer Science at the Technical University of Karlsruhe. In 1996, he founded the software company e.multi Digitale Dienste AG, Ettlingen, and in 2000 he listed the company on the stock exchange as a majority shareholder and director. Between 2007 and 2010, he established the Australian branch office of a European hedge fund in Sydney, Australia, where he introduced new products and was responsible for selling to private and institutional investors. Matthias Gärtner has been working as an investor and/or board member for listed companies in Germany since 2010, and for Medios AG, as well as its predecessor companies since 2014.

Matthias Gärtner has over 20 years' expertise in the development, management, and financial controlling of companies, as well as extensive capital market experience.

He is responsible for the departments Investor & Public Relations, ESG Communications and Mergers & Acquisition as well as Compliance, Corporate Strategy, Legal, Sustainability, and Risk Management.

External positions:
Matthias Gärtner is currently not a member of any supervisory board or controlling body.

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Claudia Nickolaus
Head of Investor & Public Relations ESG Communications   

+49 30 232 566 800

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