
News for Investors
Medios Shares at a Glance 

Stock Information


Share Class
No-par Value Bearer Shares

Stock Exchange Sectors / Places of Trading
Regulated Market Frankfurt (Prime Standard)
Member of the SDAX index

Open Market Stuttgart and Duesseldorf
Trade Gate

*Note pursuant to Sec. 7 German Stock Exchange Admission Regulation (Börsenzulassungsverordnung – BörsZulV): From a capital increase in kind registered with the commercial register on 11 June 2024, 1,700,000 newly issued shares came into existence, which bear a separate ISIN (DE000A409682) and which are currently not admitted to trading.

Paying Agent
Bank M – Representation of FinTech Group Bank AG
Mainzer Landstraße 61, 60329 Frankfurt

Share Capital / Number of Shares
€25,505,723 / 25,505,723 no-par Value Bearer Share

Shareholder Structure

58.5% Free float
 • 4.9% Paladin Asset Management*
 • 4.7% SEB Investment Management AB

19.7% Martin Hesse
 • Incl. attribution of BMSH GmbH

15.1% Luxempart Invest S.á.r.I.

6.7% Bencis Capital Partners B.V.**


* Paladin Asset Management Investment stock corporation with variable capital and sub-funds

** In the course of a capital increase in kind in connection with the acquisition of Ceban Pharmaceuticals B.V., 1,700,000 new shares (ISIN DE000A409682) have been issued to Bencis Buyout Fund V GP B.V., acting for the risk and for the account of Bencis Buyout Fund V C.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands („Bencis"). These new shares are subject to a lock-up agreement entered into between Medios AG and Bencis, pursuant to which the disposal of the new shares is restricted for a period of 24 months upon completion of the transaction. Therefore, these shares will not be admitted to trading during the lock-up period.

All figures according to voting rights notifications of the notifying parties
Share capital: €25,505,723

To our knowledge, the following sell-side analysts regularly cover and research the Medios share:

BerenbergSam England
Bryan, Garnier & CoMaria Vara
Deutsche BankMichael Kuhn
Hauck Aufhäuser Investment BankingAlexander Galitsa
Kepler CheuvreuxMatthias Maenhaut
Metzler Capital MarketsAlexander Neuberger
Warburg ResearchMichael Heider

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Claudia Nickolaus
Head of Investor & Public Relations ESG Communications   

+49 30 232 566 800

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